Chandler, AZ

"I have always been involved in sports and had a love for fitness, but after I became a new mom, I wasn’t sure how to navigate my time. I felt guilty leaving my babies to take time for me. After having my second child and gaining nearly 50 lbs, I was unhappy and uncomfortable in my skin. I knew that the only way to stay consistent with my workouts would be to do it super early in the morning... which seemed like a torturous thought.

I started a rigid morning routine 4 years ago now, and have never looked back. I look so forward to that time alone to reflect and plan my day. It gives me the opportunity to fill my cup before I go and serve others all day. I feel accomplished, I feel empowered, and I feel proud that I can do something that is just for me. I know that I have started the day accomplished, and it makes me feel strong! I have gained so much gratitude and completely changed my mindset.

I have learned to care less what others think, and learned to focus on my own journey and goals. I am constantly striving to improve myself, and it has also brought about creativity to keep my workout fun end fresh. I love trying new things! It has also connected me with so many amazing friends and people that make me want to continuously level up!

I am so thankful for health and the blessing of each new day. I am grateful for the opportunity to start fresh, and know that I will always get up when I fall, and come back even stronger. I love the ability to encourage and inspire others though my own growth. The confidence I have gained is something I never thought possible. I am truly comfortable in my skin for the first time, and it feels incredible!"


