San Antonio, TX

"My mission is simple, I want to help save as many lives I can. I encourage everyone to trust the process & keep faith. As a frontline DOD Trauma Nurse on the frontline, fitness for me became a huge outlet. As the virus grew into a pandemic, It impacted my sleep, my health, my mindset. The only thing I had to look forward to was the gym- Then it closed for lockdown. I teamed up with my personal trainer, now business partner to help motivate our community by promoting outside workouts and hosting social distancing bootcamps. Keeping our fitness community accountable, But I struggled with my own fitness progress. A 20lb year gain put me at 141lbs and I’m all of 5’0”. The holidays hit the hardest and mentally I was unhappy with the image of myself & needed to change. January 2021, I empowered myself to think positive through my faith, affirmations & motivational podcasts. I left NO room for toxic things to enter my mindset or impede my goal. I completed the training naturally, no weight loss pills, no crash diets, no lotions or body altering services! I’m not trying to be a fitness model or gain anything here- I just want to share my story and pray it saves someone’s life by empowering them to take control of their mentality & health. Mental health is so important in a time like the present & having an outlet that helps clear your mind, makes you proud and experience that feeling- it’s that feeling I pray for everyone to receive! If you’re outlet isn’t fitness, let my story serve as proof that we cannot be in survival mode, we prosper in growth mode!"


