Surprise, AZ

"My fitness journey started back in 2006 when I joined the Air Force. I have been serving for 15 years thus far and fitness has always been a big part of that. During my tour in Japan I played semipro football. Once stationed in Arizona I competed in Bodybuilding and Powerlifting. I am also a Police Officer/SWAT member and my fitness could be the difference in me going home each day so I take it seriously.

Training is my happy place and it’s got me through some pretty rough deployments and life events. Whenever I have the opportunity I enjoy helping others reach the same level of satisfaction I have experienced in this lifestyle. Paying it forward is a huge part of any growth and the more people assist each other the better the world will be.

There is always room for improvement and unique ways to achieve new heights. I am constantly learning and building my database with training from others who have paved the way. I gather ideas from male and female content creators as they all provide some value to the sport. This arena is a great one because the overall goal is happiness , confidence, and good health.

Anyway I can help someone regardless of monetary gain or popularity I will. It’s not always about what others do for you but what you can do for others. I have always love public service and that transfers into all aspects of my life. I’m looking forward to the road ahead!"


