Ridgeland, MS
"I started working out in 2014 running. I had never been active before or played any sports growing up so when one of my friends asked me to go run with her I just knew I couldn’t do it. I ran a mile the first day and I was shocked to say the least! I fell in love with that feeling. I wanted to know what else I could do. From there I just dove into trying to learn about fitness. I spent a while running, then lifting, then doing CrossFit. Now I am back to focusing on lifting weights and it’s so fun and exciting to see all the things you can push yourself to do. I also started learning about nutrition at the beginning of my journey and over the years I’ve learned so much about my body and how nutrition affects so much more than I ever realized. This pushed me to want to learn more and now I am a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Nutrition Specialist. All of the things I’ve tried always pushed me out of my comfort zone and it taught me so much about myself. Not only is being active and having a knowledge of nutrition a way to live a healthier lifestyle but it can make you proud of yourself in so many different ways. The fitness world can be your best friend. I have some of my closest friends through fitness. It’s a world of motivation and positivity and always pushing to just be 1% better everyday. I’m so glad I decided to go for that run in 2014 because it quite literally changed my life."