"I began training late in life largely because I was not overweight - I was what I call "skinny fat".
I began training at age 30 when I had to deal with my mom being diagnosed with cancer. Working out was my way of escaping the hardship of watching her slowly die. This was the beginning of my obsession with working out. But it remained an outlet for me because my dad was diagnosed with dementia only a couple of years after my mom passed away.
For 10 years I learned as much as I could about training, but I never took the importance of nutrition into account. It wasn't until I met my coach (and now great friend) that I meshed the two together.
The next major turning point was when he opened my eyes to the possibility of competing as a bodybuilder, in the masters physique category.
Growing up, I always wanted to be a bodybuilder but I was a "small" in stature. Incorporating nutrition and training while working with an elite coach transformed my body. I was instantly hooked! To this day I am in awe over how I've been able to transform my physique through sheer determination and work ethic. One of the coolest side effects of transformation is how I have been able to inspire others without even knowing. It’s been mind blowing how many people have approached me to tell me how I’ve inspired them. This, by far, has been the highlight of my fitness career.
My future goals are to win my Pro Card and become an IFBB Pro"