Lahaina, HI

I had been a yo-yo dieter for 40+ years. If I recall correctly, I put myself on my first diet at around age 13. I spent from around twenty something until the age of 60 eating way too few calories and doing too much cardio. While I have been weight lifting for over 30 years, I fell into a rut and didn't push myself to increase my weights. I also want told not to do a lot of heavy lower body training (i.e. squats, leg press, heavy deadlifts) due to a sore lower back. I now know that was the wrong advice. The good news is that I never gave up looking for the right solution to be able to maintain a healthy body weight, live a vibrant, happy life filled with abundance, prosperity and balance.

At age 60, I got off the yo-yo diet cycle and ate whatever I wanted for a year. I gained about 30 lbs. Just before my 61st birthday I found @trainwithjoan, @yourhealthyhedonista and @thewonderwomen_official (TWW). I started TWW program on my 61st birthday. This program changed my life in ways I could not imagine when I started it in 2020. Not only did I lose over 40 lbs, but I changed my mindset, which made this program work and stick. I have maintained my weight loss for 7 months now as I continue to weight train five days a week and continue to increase my macros.

My next big goal is to compete in two Master Figure shows in 2022, a dream I gave up on in my 40's.

I am so grateful to Joan MacDonald for having the guts to share her story and inspire others. Paying it forward for her generosity and its amazingly positive impact on my life is why I started my @silverandstrong IG page. I want to be that same inspiration to 50+ women. If I can achieve these goals, then so can any other woman who is willing to be honest with herself and put in the work!


