Baarle-Nassau, The Netherlands
"I started training when I was thirteen. The first years fanatic kickboxing and thaiboxing in which I also competed. Then I switched to fitness and bodybuilding which I also competed in. Then I went to combine both and that was perfect. It is still my lifestyle! Because of my training I did also a lot of casting work.
After years of training I was ready for my big goal. become an independent trainer and have my own sports company. I often trained at a gym on the other side of my province and asked them if they would help me with my goal. I was hired as a youth trainer and was immediately thrown into the deep end, but with success! So I traveled three times a week.
After a few years I started my own kickboxing club in my hometown . That went well. After a few years I wanted to add something to it. A combination of fitness and kickboxing. So I started cardio kickboxing. That was a success! Especiallly women loved it! After a year some women came from another place, they asked me if I wanted to start a group in their hometown, and I did! That was a success! After that a few more places were added. I now teach in four different places. I am a traveling trainer, doing both group training and personal training. 75% of my classes are women.
After that I was also approached by other sports like soccer and primary and secondary schools to give guest lectures and also approached for commercial activities. But there is more to come, my next goal is collerboration with a sportstravel organization to organize trainingclasses abroad and cardio/fitness kickboxing training at different travel locations. Who knows we might meet outside of my classes!
I also train myself every day! Kickboxing one day , strength the next day! It is my lifestyle! It keeps me young! All my social entourage and training buddies are young people because of a healthy and fit lifestyle!That is my story! My social media is on Facebook , Instagram and Lindekin !You can always chat with me! Best regards! Stay healthy!"