Hamilton, ON

"I have worked out on and off for years. After filing for divorce, dealing with the stressors of being a single parent, the ever changing world of COVID and being in a depression I couldn't shake I knew it was time to take back control.

I hadn't been true to myself for years and I was ready to become me again. My friend introduced me to an amazing program that incorporates weights, cardio, yoga and high intensity training. I was hooked. I started to change my diet. I began eating real, whole food. My gut started healing from all the trauma I had put it through with poor diet and yo-yo dieting. I was committed to changing all aspects of my life including my mental health.

The pounds started to fall off, but more importantly I was emerging from my shell, learning to love me again and finally really starting to heal from my past.

I knew that I needed to start shifting my mindset as well. I began to really understand that to make an everlasting change I needed to work on my mental health as well. The more I worked out, the better my diet was, the more I acknowledged my past trauma, learned to forgive myself, learn to love myself, learn that it is okay to not be okay, the more the depression lifted and the happier I became.

Now I get to be paid by helping others find what I found. I get to help them become their best selves, learn to love themselves and get healthy physically, emotionally and mentally.

My fire has been reignited and I will not let it go out ever again!"


