Santa Cruz, Bolivia
I started my fitness journey back when I was 10 years old. Even though I had never pursued a specific sport I was always trying new sports and having fun along the way. It was not until 8 years ago where I fully committed to the discipline in my fitness journey. I had a baby and decided that I wanted to change by body once and for all and I decided to not only exercise smarter but also get super strict with my nutrition.
After two years unfortunately they discovered I had uterus cancer and has to go through some treatments and finally a surgery, but that only made me stronger. I started training martial arts and I'm now going for my brown belt in Kickbox. I love martial arts and I'm looking forward in competing in the future. My health has become my number one priority and even though I had rough patches along the way, I always strive to be better than yesterday!
This journey has been a blessing in my life and everyday that goes by I learn new things and see how I can improve. Consistency is the key to success. I like to put short term goals for my fitness levels such as as strength, and endurance. There is always room to be better, faster, and stronger. The journey is not always easy, but it is something that will definitely shape your character. You will be able to get to know you in every aspect.