Tell your fitness story to inspire, get exposure, and gain credibility


Welcome champion!

We are so pleased to welcome you into our community, and see you as our next source of inspiration.

So, what Behind Bodybuilders is all about?
Behind Bodybuilders is for athletes who have a fitness story that is inspiring, touching and can leave an impact! If yours is alike you are welcomed to share it with us!

What we will do is creating you a personal page here on our website. This page will host your story, picture, name and more details about you. You will be able to submit all this using an application form with step by step guidance. The page has a comments section where readers can interact with you, also they can vote for your story so it will be featured as a "Top Read" on our website home page! Also we will put your story on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

You might ask why would you be doing this?
First you are fulfilling the primary goal of our project, sharing inspiration! Athletes with inspiring stories want to see others have a change in their lives when hearing about them! It's an awesome feeling, you are are leaving an imprint in somebody else's life!

Second, being featured on our website and social media accounts will drive you exposure, as we will link back to your Instagram profile! Whether you look for more followers on social media, or for clients in case you are personal trainer for example, being on Behind Bodybuilders will help you reach this goal!

Third, as a trusted body in the fitness world, you can use your presence on our website and social media accounts as a social proof! When seeing that you are featured on Behind Bodybuilders, people will know you are authentic.

Sounds awesome, but "what's the catch?" you might ask! 
When we first started this project it was free of charge, but as it grew up and we started doing things more professionally, we started to have a lot of expenses (copywriting, website and social media management, marketing, picture editing,...). This is now our day to day job, and we are putting 100% of our time into it. So now we need a source of income to support the project, and we depend on you in this.

In addition to this, we are receiving a huge amount of applications with fake identities and fake stories! We need to filter these out!

So in order to support our project, and to make sure you are who you say you are, you will be asked to pay a one time fee of $75. As soon as you submit your application, you will be redirected to our payment page (hosted by Patreon) where you can pay the fee. You will receive a set of rewards as well for your contribution, including access to our private community, receiving a gift quarterly, certificate of appreciation, etc...

The payment system is made by default for looking-to-be members, but you don't have to stay as a member to publish your story with us! Just pay the fee once, and you are all set!

Sounds fair, how should I start?
We are super excited to see you as our next source of inspiration, and using the button below you will be able to submit your application. It's an easy and quick step by step process. You will be asked to submit your details, and put your story together answering a couple of questions, and also upload your favorite pictures.

So are you ready to shine?


athletes like yourself shined with us