Arundel, ME

"I’ve been a dancer since age 3 & got into cheerleading at age 8. By high school, my schedule was stacked 6 days a week between 2 cheering teams and 4 dance classes. Sometimes 7 if you include competitions. College was a hard adjustment. I was away from home, no competitions or recitals to look forward to and dealing with an unhealthy, long distance relationship. I needed SOMETHING!

That’s where I found solace in the gym. It gave me the ability to find beauty in my solitude, the physical activity I craved and most importantly, the self worth and confidence I needed to cope when that relationship eventually ended.

Flash forward 10 years. I’m now a mother to a beautiful 3 year old girl, pursuing my passions as a CPT at a fantastic facility in Kennebunk and happily engaged to the man of my dreams who got me to embrace to beauty of outdoor activities like hiking & canoeing. My next outdoor hobby to take on? Surfing! I’ve been a few times with friends years ago, but now it’s time to bite the bullet, buy a board and convince my boss to let me tag along.

If you ask me, fitness has affected my life positively in every single way possible. It’s a coping mechanism. A creative outlet. It’s given me a career where I feel a true sense of purpose & a drive to help make a difference. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been 100% worth it."


