Tampa, FL

"I have always enjoyed working out,but I realized during the pandemic that I needed to lose weight.I found Joan McDonald on IG and applied to be in the transformation program. I was accepted into The Wonder Women transformation program and started on 12/7/20. Over the last year I have completely transformed my physique. At 64 I realized that there were too few examples of women that were fit and thriving. I wanted to inspire more women my age to take a chance on themselves.

I am amazed at what I have accomplished during this last year. I also was featured on Superage (the podcast) which was incredibly exciting. I am not the same woman I was a year ago. I often say I finally was able to match my outside with my inside. Mindset work was a huge factor for success. I spent and still do an enormous amount of time working on the triggers that would have caused me to fail in the past. I never realized that it starts with loving yourself first.
I plan on competing in 2022 and am currently in a build to see how much muscle I can develop. I am a business owner and also a standup comedian and improviser in my spare time.
I am so excited to see what possibilities are in my future and love the idea of paying it forward. So many women over a certain age feel hopeless and if I can inspire one woman to change and enhance her life through diet and weightlifting then I am content. Thank you for this opportunity."


